I work with ambitious, entrepreneurial women just like you, guiding and supporting them to realise their dreams. No matter where you are in building your own business and developing your career, or how close you are to reaching your personal goals.

Think of me as your woman in the wings, so that you don’t have to feel alone on your journey to achieve the success you desire.

I specialise in:

  • Female founders and entrepreneurial women who want to create their own empires.

  • Senior Managers and Directors who are extremely ambitious and want to move up the ladder, or are transitioning into C suite Exec positions.

  • Get unstuck. No matter what’s been holding you back, we’ll ensure you stop procrastinating and gain that all-important movement and momentum.

  • Banish overwhelm. You’ve got this. We’ll tap into your inner peace, and nurture your self belief and confidence.

  • Find fulfilment. We’ll focus on whatever personal success means to you. Achievements, goals, business success, finances… the world is your oyster.

  • Remove limiting beliefs. Once blocks and barriers are gone, you’ll have the freedom to step into your true greatness.

  • See what is possible. Trust me, you can do even more than you think. You’ll leave our sessions feeling inspired, excited, energised and powerful.

“Over the last 6 months, Julia’s helped me build clarity around my personal and business vision, my business proposition and plans. Running a business can be lonely so having Julia as my sounding board and supportive ally has been invaluable.

She’s enabled me me to take the thoughts in my head, crystallise these on paper and then focus on which opportunities to explore and which to let go of. Through holding up a mirror and playing back what she’s hearing and seeing, Julia’s helped me to clearly articulate the role I play in my business and the value that I bring to my clients.”

— Hannah Keartland, Founder of Keartland & Co.