Get clear, get creative and build your confidence so that you step into your true power and fully align with your soul purpose.

Hi, I’m Julia.

After spending 30+ years in senior roles in the international fashion industry (coupled with raising a family and moving around the world), I understand pressure.

The pressure of having no safety net, of navigating the male-dominant business world, of tackling motherhood alongside career goals. Pressure that can result in women dimming their own light, limiting their own goals and losing their way.

My sheer belief that women will rule their world is what lights me up and influences my coaching. I’m not just a coach because I have a certificate to say I am: I bring my personal experiences, business acumen and success to every single session.

Sound familiar?

  • Maybe you’ve lost that spark that initially drew you to your job– or you’ve reached the top, and there isn't a pathway up that feels right for you.

    Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed, and procrastination is stopping you moving forwards in your business, career or life.

    We can work together to find your mission and carve out a direction that gets you feeling excited about your career again.

  • If you’re feeling overwhelmed, juggling family life and career goals or completely in over your head, let’s find your peace again.

    What you’ve dedicated your life to so far might not be what you want for the rest of your life. And that’s okay. Let’s figure out what the path holds, and make sure it’s right for you.

  • Ticked off that bucket list? Job not fulfilling you anymore? If you feel like you’ve experienced all the good things and nothing is satisfying or new, we need to find a different direction.

    We’ll dig deep into your passions and create goals that feel aligned to where you’re at right now, making sure you feel energised and powerful again.

  • A lot of things can leave us feeling unsure. Maybe your self esteem has taken a knock, and you’re doubting yourself. Or perhaps you’re embarking on a new journey or business idea, and you need some extra support.

    Let’s work together to build up your self confidence, remove limiting beliefs and unlock your full potential.

From successful senior women and experienced C Suite execs to female founders, I work with women at all different points in their career or entrepreneurial journeys. We can tackle any personal issues you’re facing, from self confidence to business goals.

Together, we can…

  • Find flexibility and breathing room to tackle overwhelm.

  • Carve out a clear path, so you feel supported and focused.

  • Ignite the spark of passion within you, so you feel energised and excited.

  • Remove old limiting beliefs, blocks or barriers that are holding you back.